Call us at (904) 538-0950 to establish care or schedule an appointment. Established patients can also send a portal message to our staff or our providers. Log in to the portal »
Convenient to Southside area homes, schools and businesses and easily accessible from
Butler Blvd, 295 and Baymeadows Road.
Mail & Street Address
First Coast Family Medicine
9130 RG Skinner Parkway
Jacksonville, FL, 32256
295 to Baymeadows Road East
Turn right on Annie Eliza Road
Turn right on RG Skinner Pkwy
To 9130 RG Skinner Parkway
Appointments – Call 904-538-0950
Monday 8am – 7pm
Tuesday 7:30am – 7pm
Wednesday 7:30am – 7pm
Thursday 7:30am – 6:00pm
Friday 7:30am – 5:00pm
We are closed for lunch from 12:00pm to 1:00pm every day
Our Location
Conveniently located at Baymeadows Road & 295
9130 RG Skinner Parkway
Jacksonville, FL, 32256
Patient Portal
Your patient health record is a free service made available for you by First Coast Family Medicine. With information about your allergies, medications, prescriptions and lab results, your portal account is an easy way to access your health information in one convenient place. You can log onto your portal and pay any balances you might have. And don’t forget, all of the secure data in your portal is owned and controlled by you.